Beef Hash Recipe

Follow our easy, step-by-step, photo illustrated instructions to learn how to make Beef Hash the old fashioned way. Printable recipe included.

Beef Hash Recipe – it may take a little time to cook, but it’s well worth the effort.

Beef Hash, slider.

When was the last time you enjoyed Beef Hash? It’s another one of those old Southern favorite comfort foods, but something you probably don’t have as often as you’d like.

That may be because it does take a little while to cook. Not a lot of work involved with making it, other than stirring the pot about every 30 minutes, but you’ll find it’s certainly worth the time and effort that it takes to make it once you dig into a plate of it.

This is Beef Hash.

It’s not Corned Beef Hash, nor Roast Beef Hash. It’s not Brunswick Stew. It’s not South Carolina style barbecue hash. It’s Beef Hash. Just plain and simple Beef Hash. Smile.

It can be made with several different meats. I’m using a chuck roast, but you could also make it with stew meat, eye of round, or bottom round. Rump roasts and pot roasts also work. We’re just using some of the tougher cuts of beef, and cooking it long, low, and slow to make it amazingly tender.

Mostly, just buy the beef cut that’s on sale at the best price. Smile.

We had our first freeze of 2018 this past Saturday night. (11-10-18) Cold weather made me think of hash so I decided to make a batch.

If you’re from the South Carolina area, you might think of something else when you hear the word hash.

Many of the barbecue restaurants down in South Carolina serve hash as a side with their meats. It’s generally called South Carolina Hash, and is often made with pork, or a combination of pork and beef, or… just beef. It depends on what part of the state you’re standing in.

I’ve tried the South Carolina Hash several times at places like Maurice’s, and Dukes BBQ. It’s also usually served over rice and it’s “different.” Each place that makes it seems to have their own special recipe on how it should be done.

Then again, in some of the upstate sections of South Carolina, you’ll find a beef hash similar to this.

Ready to give our Beef Hash a try? Alright then, let’s head on out to the kitchen, and… Let’s Get Cooking.

Beef Hash, you'll need these ingredients.

Beef Hash – You’ll need these ingredients.

Beef Hash, cut the beef into cubes.

We begin by cutting the roast into cubes.

Note that after I cut them as you see above, I went back and cut most of them in half once again. So, I ended up using pieces that were about 2 inches in size.

Beef Hash, cover with water.

Place the cubes of beef in a heavy sauce pot then cover the beef with water. Just enough water to fully cover all the cubes.

Place the pot over Medium heat on your stove top. Place a lid on the pot, let it come to a low boil, then let it cook for about 30 minutes on Medium heat.

REDUCE the heat after 30 minutes to about Medium-Low heat and let the meat simmer for one hour, stirring it at about the 30 minute mark.

You want to let the meat cook low and slow so it will be more tender. Cooking it fast can make it tough.

Beef Hash, this is after one hour of cooking.

This is the meat after it’s cooked for one hour. It will need to cook for THREE hours on this low simmer and you should stir it every 30 minutes during that time. It’s got plenty of liquid, so it shouldn’t stick to the bottom of the pot, but be sure to stir it often just to make sure it doesn’t actually stick.

Cover and simmer two more hours, stirring every 30 minutes.

Beef Hash, dice the onions.

While the beef is simmering, go ahead and dice up the onions.

Beef Hash, remove the beef.

After the beef has cooked for three hours, use a slotted spoon to scoop the beef out of the broth. Place the pieces of meat in a large bowl and set it aside to cool for just a few minutes.

Beef Hash, add the onions.

With the beef out of the broth, add the onions to the pot.

Beef Hash, add the salt.

Add the salt.

Beef Hash, add the black pepper.

Add the black pepper.

Beef Hash, add the red pepper flakes.

Add the crushed red pepper.

This gives the hash just a little bit of heat. You could leave it out if you prefer. Your choice. Smile.

Beef Hash, stir to fully combine.

Give the onions and seasonings a good stir and let this come back up to a simmer.

Beef Hash, shred the beef.

With the onions now in the pot, let’s work with the beef.

Place a fork in each hand and shred the pieces of beef into small pieces. Use a pulling apart motion to break the pieces down, kind of like you would do making pulled pork barbecue.

Beef Hash, discard any fat or gristle.

Use a fork to cutaway any pieces of fat or gristle that you might find. Discard these pieces.

Beef Hash, add the beef back to the pot.

Place the shredded beef back into the pot.

Beef Hash, cover and simmer for one hour.

Place the lid back on the pot. Let this simmer for another hour.

Cover and let simmer for another hour.

Beef Hash, add the butter.

After the onions have cooked down for one hour, add the butter.

Beef Hash, stir until the butter is melted.

Stir the pot until the butter is fully melted.

Give it a taste to see if you think it needs more salt or black pepper.

Simmer, uncovered, until it reaches the desired thickness.

Beef Hash, cook until thick.

The beef hash should cook until it reaches the desired thickness you prefer. It’s best if it’s not soupy, but that’s just my preference.

Beef Hash, enjoy.


Serve the hash warm over white rice, grits, or mashed potatoes.

You could even just put it in a bun, like a Sloppy Joe Sandwich. Lots of possibilities.

1 thought on “Beef Hash Recipe”

  1. This appears to be almost exactly the way we do it except I cook my meat in the crockpot overnight. I’m from the upstate of South Carolina and I have never seen it done any other way like you were referring to. Maybe how they do it in the lower part of the state. I’m 65 years old and we have hash on most holidays other than Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter. We eat it on a bun and love it this way.

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